Sunday, February 3, 2008

super bowl was a super day

Well I missed my first super bowl game but my dad promised to tell me all about it. I spent my day eating sleeping and pooping...that might not seem like much to you..but if i keep taking my bottles evry three hours Dr Simko says I will go home this

My mom is kinda scared cuz i am so small but togethere we will make it work...hopefully Sunday cuz my mom wants to go party with her shower friends on Saturday..I still dont know why mom only takes showers on Sundays but it seems to be working cuz she hardly stinks

Pray that I keep eating and that I get to come home and meet my big brothers and sisters soon...


Will and Julia's Mommy said...

This is such great news! Sounds like Sean will have a lot of support at home once he gets settled in. The NICU would never send home a baby that was not ready, so treasure that moment you take him home... I never got to that day but Sean will, so be ready, be strong, because you can do it, no matter how small or big he will be, he will be home.


Patty Gomez said...

Boy is he a beautiful baby!!! I think he kinda looks like me...hee hee hee :)

Big Sissy loves you baby Sean!! You'll be coming over and staying with me soon!

johannas mommy said...

oh yay!!!! im so happy for you!!! even though he is small he will do just fine. Its actually quite enjoyable that they're small. it feels like they are litle for longer. im sure two years from now we'll both being saying how we wish they were small again!!

Anonymous said...

Hey there you sweeties! Thank you again so very much for all the presents! You touched my heart so very so much. All the things that are so important to me are the same that are so important to you....please come back for the next parent meeting, I will send you an invite.

You are a beautiful family. Take care of eachother, love eachother...all you need is that to start with and everything else will fall directly in place.

Savour the small things, for those are the things that build mountains...however small, fragile and hold them near to your heart.

Please keep in touch as I will not be there when your little Sean goes home. You are all in my heart always, and have made me feel so very special.

Christine, RN