Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sean took his first whole bottle tonight, over 40 ml (about an ounce and a 1/3). That is his first full feeding by nipple to date. He is precious and making good progress. The nurse said he may get to go to a regular crib tomorrow. Here is a new picture. Jim


Anonymous said...

Hi Jim and Jannelle,

I am so happy to see your blog is up! You can make a comment on Johanna's blog and give her a link to yours. She is a great resource, and understands what you are going through.

I love the pictures you put on here, they are soooooo soooo cute!

Keep counting every tiny milestone, and before you know it...he will be home :)

Hang in there, stay strong and keep up the posts on the blog, the more support you have the better.

See you around the block soon (aka the NICU :)

-Christine Moles, RN

johannas mommy said...

he looks precious!!! blogging is good, i promise, it lets you get all your feelings out and you can actually understand exactly what your feeling. I see hes doing well, that s great! and hes in a big boy crib too!!! those are the little things that will keep you strong throughtout this whole thing. Just look forward to all the progress he is going to make and be sooo proud of the progress he has already made... thesse babies are fighters!! We were given these precious angels for a reason, you were picked to take care of him because something bigger knows you are 100% capable!!! i wish you the best!!
