Saturday, February 2, 2008

Just left the hospital. Sean is doing very well. He ate a full bottle in about 20 minutes, so he is improving. Here are the latest pictures. The tube in his nose is for feeding when he is not taking a bottle, but the doctor said today that if Sean continues with his current progress he may remove the tube soon and go to feeding by bottle or breastfeeding exclusively. 2/2, 1600.

1 comment:

Will and Julia's Mommy said...

Janelle - Thanks for your post. Sean is beautiful and will be home before you know it. You say I am strong, as many people do, but I definitely do not feel strong. Will was our first child and I had no idea the range of emotions that I would feel and continue to feel. Be strong for Sean, he needs you and is proud of you, like I am sure many of your friends and family are. Please email me anytime if you need anything.

Aimee Hensley
aka Will's Mommy